Governing Body

School governors and trustees make a valuable contribution to children’s education, opportunities and futures. Urmston Grammar is very fortunate to have a committed and dedicated group of volunteers who lead and support the school in a positive and constructive manner and serve our school community. The Governing Body of Urmston Grammar support the school through their attendance at meetings and through their presence at academic, social, cultural and sporting events.

The Governing Body will:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • hold senior leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its students and the effective and efficient performance management of staff;
  • oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body will consist of:

  • up to 11 governors/trustees appointed by the Members/Directors;
  • up to 1 Local Authority governor;
  • a minimum of 2 parent governors;
  • up to 2 staff governors excluding the Headteacher;
  • up to 3 co-opted governors;
  • the Headteacher;
  • any additional Governors appointed under articles 62, 62A, 63, and 68A.

All governors (trustees) and directors at Urmston Grammar act on an unpaid basis. 

Trustees and Governing Body of Urmston Grammar September 2023





E May Appointed  Member (Finance & Premises Committee and Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • Art & Photography                 
  • Design & Technology,
  • Health & Safety
T Booth Appointed Governor/Trustee (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)


  • Safeguarding
  • SEND
E Bryan Appointed Parent Governor (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • MFL – French and German 
  • Business and Economics.


A Calder Appointed Parent Governor (Finance & Premises Committee)
  • Computer Science
  • Food Technology


N Crowther Co-Opted Chair of Governors - Governor/Trustee (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • Drama, Music, and PE
  • Online safety 
  • Staff well-being 
D Kirkham Appointed Member 



K Mackey Co-Opted Vice Chair of Governors - Parent Governor/Trustee (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mental health and student well-being.
P Marks Co-Opted Governor/Trustee (Finance & Premises Committee and Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • English
  • Sixth Form
A McLaren Appointed Member/Trustee (Finance & Premises Committee)
  • Maths
  • Finance
B Peden Appointed Member 



D Powell Appointed Parent Governor (Finance & Premises Committee)


K Proctor Appointed LA Governor/Trustee (Finance & Premises Committee)
  • History
  • Geography


H Stedman Appointed Staff Governor/Trustee (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Pupil Premium
  • LAC
R Wall Headteacher (Finance & Premises Committee  and Curriculum & Personnel Committee)



M Washington Appointed Parent Governor (Curriculum & Personnel Committee)
  • Biology
  • KS3 Science



*Governor Links will be updated in the 2024/25 Academic Year

Scheme of Delegation

Levels of delegation must be reviewed annually and immediately when there has been a change in trust management or organisational structure. The Trust Finance committee should have delegated scrutiny and oversight which can support the board in maintaining the trust as a going concern.

Headteacher Finance Committee Board of Governors
Up to £20,000 Up to £60,000 Over £60,000


Meeting dates 2024/25

Full governors
10/10/2024 5 pm – 6 pm
Committee meetings
17/10/2024 5pm – 6:15 pm, 6:30 – 7:45 pm
Full governors
28/11/2024 5 pm – 7pm
Committee meetings
13/2/2025 5pm – 6:15 pm, 6:30 – 7:45 pm
Full governors
3/4/2025 5 pm – 7pm
Committee meetings
22/05/2025 5pm – 6:15 pm, 6:30 – 7:45 pm
Full governors
3/7/2025 5 pm – 7pm

To request a copy of the minutes from any Governors Meeting please contact Mrs A Thomason (the school-based Clerk to the Governors)  via

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the following postal address:

Mr N Crowther, Chair of Governors Urmston Grammar School, Newton Road, Urmston. M41 5UG