
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is the responsibility of the whole school.

We have a team of staff dedicated to our careers programme that can be contacted at Urmston Grammar School on 0161 748 2875.

Mrs Natasha Kinder, Head of Careers (Careers Leader):

Miss Amy Marshall, CEIAG Co-ordinator (Careers Adviser & Careers Co-ordinator):

Mr T Kennedy-Fowler, CEIAG Link (SLT)

Miss C Murray, Head of PSHE

Mr Darren Powell, CEIAG Link Governor


Careers education, for individuals and groups, focuses on career learning, teaching and assessment. It enables learners to understand themselves, get information, explore opportunities and develop the skills they need to manage their careers.

Career(s) guidance, for individuals and small groups, focuses on careers information, advice and support. It may include counselling and coaching. It enables individuals to accomplish the unique tasks and issues they face in making progress and achieving their aspirations.

Careers education and guidance rely heavily on collaborative and partnership activities and interventions between a range of ‘careers influencers’ including learners themselves, parents and carers, other learning providers, and business and community organisations.

Work-related education enables children and young people to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to understand and succeed in the world of work. It makes extensive use of employer engagement to deliver active and experiential learning activities in and beyond the classroom.