Admissions Information – Update March 2025
Please ensure you are familiar with the Admissions Policy for the admissions of children in September 2025
A successful outcome will be considered to have been achieved by those candidates who score 334 and above in the entrance examination or whose score is upgraded to 334R following a Local Review.
See below Information following 1st ALLOCATION as at 3rd March 2025
2025 – Category B (Top 20) – approximately 20 places
- Candidates who achieved a score of 371 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest place offered in this category was 7.228 miles ranked accordingly to our oversubscription criteria Entry Category B – (approximately 20 places). Using the first list (rank score order) of candidates, the (20) top scoring candidates, irrespective of home residence, will be allocated a place under Category B. Candidates with equal scores to the lowest candidate in this allocation will also be offered places.
2025 – Category C (PP) – approximately 10 places
The furthest place offered in this category was 10.598 miles ranked accordingly to our oversubscription criteria Entry Category C (approximately 10 places). Ten places will be allocated to the highest performing candidates who qualify for Pupil Premium, irrespective of distance, and who did not qualify under Entry Categories A or B . Candidates, on Pupil Premium, with equal scores to the lowest candidate in this allocation will also be offered places.
2025 – Category E (Distance) – approximately 120 places
- Upon removing the candidates who are allocated firstly by M41 and M31 the furthest place offered in this category was 5.327 miles
Home Address: In order to be considered as living in a property within our catchment area, families must prove ownership of that home and provide proof of residency upon request where this becomes relevant at appeal or otherwise.
Where the property has been owned for less than 2 years, families must provide (upon request at appeal or otherwise) proof of disposal of the previous home i.e., proof that the property has been sold.
In order to be considered as living in a rental property within our catchment area, families must provide a current rental agreement and proof of residence upon request, where this becomes relevant at appeal or otherwise. In the case of a short tenancy or the retention of another property more distant from school we may invite the applicant to provide further evidence.
In the case of parents who are separated, the application will also be considered from the address where the child normally and permanently lives, even though the child may regularly spend some time at another address. Where it is claimed that the child’s residency is shared equally between two addresses, parents may decide which address will be used for the purpose of the application. However, applicants will be required to submit documentary evidence to support the claim.
Applicants who move into the priority admission area, after the date of registration, who submit an on-time application to their home Local Authority, including Urmston Grammar as a preference, will be given consideration from the address given on the original on-line registration form on the school website, made direct to the school until after the first round of offers. The new address will only be considered if the following evidence and legal documentation in relation to the change of residency is submitted to the school:
- evidence and legal documentation to the effect that they have purchased the new property along with proof of disposal of the previous home.
- a tenancy agreement for the new home
- documentation to prove the applicant and their parent(s)/carer(s) became resident at the new home.
Proof of residency will be required. Parents/carers must inform the school of any changes to their address or circumstances. An allocated place may be subsequently withdrawn if incorrect or misleading information has been provided which has led to the offer of a place or has advantaged the applicant in the priority offer for oversubscription.
Applicants who move further away from the school after the date of application will be considered from their new address with immediate effect.
Please note - If there are two or more applications that cannot be separated by the oversubscription criteria outlined above, the school will use the distance between the school and a child’s home to decide between applicants. Priority will be given to children who live closest to the school.
Please note the information provided confirming the top 20 score and distances may vary from year to year due to parental choices – see below;
1st allocation as at 1st March 2025
- Candidates who achieved a score of 371 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 5.327
1st allocation as at 1st March 2024
- Candidates who achieved a score of 364 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 4.629
1st allocation as at 1st March 2023
- Candidates who achieved a score of 354 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 15.398
1st allocation as at 1st March 2022
- Candidates who achieved a score of 370 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 7.764
1st allocation as at 1st March 2021
- Candidates who achieved a score of 359 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 6.332
1st allocation as at 1st March 2020
- Candidates who achieved a score of 361 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 3.168
1st allocation as at 1st March 2019
- Candidates who achieved a score of 361 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 7.544
1st allocation as at 1st March 2018
- Candidates who achieved a score of 363 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 4.066 miles
1st allocation as at 1st March 2017
- Candidates who achieved a score of 367 or above were in the Top 20
- The furthest distance offered was 3.995 miles
Should you have any queries please email
Due to high volumes of emails we will endeavour to provide a response within five working days.