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Next Thursday we look forward to not one but two multicultural celebrations!
Our Senior Prefect Team and TARA (Trafford School's Antiracism Alliance) group have collaborated and worked hard towards organising a very special day next Thursday 3rd April, followed by a very special and hugely popular evening.
Cultural Day
During the day on Thursday TARA, our Senior Prefects and volunteers from Year 12 and 13 will be hosting a Cultural Day, a time to come together as a school community to celebrate our multicultural diversity.
Students are invited to wear something of significance to their personal culture and to donate £1 to anti-racism charities. They will have the opportunity to enjoy special multicultural menu options chosen by our TARA group in the canteen, to attend stalls at a lunchtime fair (for which they may like to bring in some money from home), and to enjoy some special runway performances over lunch. Some of our students will also get the opportunity to participate in workshops with a guest visitor.
Cultural Evening for Sixth Form students
On Thursday night, our Senior Prefects have organised a Cultural Evening for Sixth Form and their families, performed by our very own students. It is a much-loved date on our school calendar and a very special celebration of multicultural dance, music, dress and food; not to mention, huge amount of fun!
Tickets are available now on Parentpay for Year 12 and 13 students.
We know that our students will do us all proud in supporting these fantastic events, and we look forward to this hugely enjoyable opportunity to celebrate our wonderful multicultural UGS community.