proud to support neurodiversity week

Celebrating with a series of awareness-raising initiatives

It's Neurodiversity week and our SEND team have organised a programme of events in school to celebrate, with 11T pictured engaged in their form-time activity.

The theme this year is: celebrating our unique strengths and differences, and our year groups have taken part in a series of awareness-raising sessions in which they have learnt more about and discussed neurodiversity and respecting differences. As well as some of the different ways of thinking, learning, interacting and perceiving the world and the labels that these have been given, including: ADHD, ASC, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, and Tourette's Syndrome.

Students have also been thinking about and discussing why Neurodiversity matters, about recognising determination, and about celebrating strengths and talents. In the process, they have learnt more about the many recognisable and iconic figures from history, culture and current times who are neurodivergent, and a range of infographics and resources have also been displayed around the school.

With huge thanks to our SEND department for organising this week's celebratory programme.