feminist society bake sale

Fantastic fund-raising initiative for Women's Aid

Today our amazing Feminist Society organised a special fund-raising bake sale, and some of the key contributors are pictured in action above and below at break today.

All funds raised will be donated to an excellent cause: the charity Women's Aid.

But the event also recognises and celebrates Women's History Month and International Women's Day this Saturday 8th March.

Our students, as ever, demonstrated our core values of Pride, Participation, and Empathy, and turned out to show their support; and, of course, to take away some gorgeous baked treats.

Feminist Society have also devised this week's PSE lessons that will raise awareness and debate around the core issues highlighted by International Women's Day.

Super work all, you are inspirational ambassadors, not only for UGS, but for young women everywhere, and we could not be more proud!