war poetry inspires year 8

Year 8 English students impress us all as they rewrite Homer!

Pictured above are Poppy 8T and Eva 8M, proudly displaying their work that was inspired by Christopher Logue's poem War Music, a reworking of Homer's iconic The Iliad.

In their study of War Music, its prose, characterisation and nuances, Year 8 were tasked with demonstrating their comprehension of the text and The Iliad by producing their own contemporary journalistic-style take on them, and of events in Ancient Greece, and the interactions between central protagonists, Greek Hero Ajax and Trojan prince Hector.

English teacher Mr Connell was delighted with the inspired standard of work produced, not least by Poppy, who, writing under the pseudonym Helena Roy, wrote a fantastically prosaic article for the "Trojan Times" on the escapades of warrior Hector.

And of Eva, or "Paris Prose", who wrote for the "Trojan Telegraph" on the "Clash of Champions" and the spectacular battle that ensued between the Trojans and Greeks.

Really well done all, with huge thanks to Mr Connell for sharing this fantastic news.