science club gets aerodynamic

Having fun exploring the physics of flight!

At this lunchtime's Year 7 Science Club, it was time to get down to some hands on learning about the physics behind the mechanics of flight and the forces of thrust (the force that propels planes forward) and drag (the air pushing back on the plane). 

Our scientists were tasked with following different prototypes to model paper aeroplanes and to explore the different forces at work; and the ways in which air moves over and under the wings, pushing it upward, while the gravity from the Earth pulls it down.

The students experimented with different basic designs, which they could then modify after tests, to explore how simple design changes affected the flight of their model planes. For example, once the students had a good idea of how far their plane typically flew, they could modify the amount of drag by cutting slits along its back edge.

Another great session of fun experimental learning, with huge thanks to Head of Physics Mr Murray for sharing his knowledge today, and, as always, to Science Club leaders Mrs Walsh and Dr Bethell.

Watch this space for next week's Science Club news!.