this week's house achievers

Last of the weeklies before the big end of term celebration!

For the final time this term - don't worry we'll be back again in the New Year! - we are celebrating the students who have been awarded the highest amount of house points in their respective year groups over the last week, for their academic achievements, positive approach to learning, and community and extracurricular endeavours.

Just some of our weekly achievers are pictured above this morning after proudly collecting their house reward: Harry 8M, Esme 7S, Lucia 7S, Asfer 8R, Jacob 7U, Thomas 9M, JOel 7U, Samuel 9M, Ryaan 9T, Toby 7U & Sebastian 8T

The full roll of honour, with some examples of attainments for which the students have been commended, is as follows:

Toby 7U

French: excellent vocabulary quiz & bonus tasks regularly completed

Science: excellent work

Extracurricular: participation in Book Club & monthly maths mystery challenge

Jacob 7U

French: bonus tasks regularly completed

Science: excellent work

Extracurricular: winner of Library House Non-Fiction November reading challenge

Joel 7U

Science: excellent work

Library: reading commendation

Extracurricular: participation in Book Club

Charlie 7S

Food Preparation & Nutrition: fabulous work as always

Computer Science: great work

Esme 7S

Geography: excellent effort

Food Preparation & Nutrition: fabulous work

Extracurricular: participation in Book Club

Lucia 7S

Science: great work

Food Preparation & Nutrition: brilliant effort

Extracurricular: winner of House baking competition

Asfer 8R

Maths: excellent help

Geography: on task & great participation in lesson

English & Drama: great effort

Leah 8R

Maths: 100% on Unit 4 test & overall excellent work

French: winner of Language Gym Live Game

Harry 8M

Maths: excellent test scores 100% & excellent exercise book work

Geography: great effort

Bruno 8S

Science: super microscope work & excellent work on B6 unit

Maths: superb test scores & excellent exercise book work

Sebastian 8T

Maths: superb test scores & excellent exercise book work

Extracurricular: completed monthly Maths mystery challenge

Samuel 9M

English: great effort

Design Technology: great effort

Drama: great work

Thomas 9M

English & drama: great effort

Extracurricular: winner of Non-Fiction November reading challenge & entry to House Halloween Bake competition

Ryaan 9T

Maths: amazing revision lesson

English: completing all homework tasks successfully

Darcy 10U

Chemistry: excellent practical work

Physics: great work

Sophia 10U

Extracurricular: house baking competition

Chemistry: excellent practical work

Physics: great work

Eloise 10M

Music: excellent focus on end of topic test

Chemistry: excellent work

Physics: great work

Analina 10R

Food Preparation & Nutrition: great work

Chemistry: excellent work

Vikash 10S

Geography: great work

Physics: great work

Chemistry: great work

Aizah 11U

Extracurricular: proactively producing superb report and photographs for the school website on the ISOC charity dinner

James 12U

Chemistry: great work

Sartina 12U

Chemistry: great work & effort

Ram 12N

Chemistry: great work & effort

Amber 12X

Chemistry: great work & effort

Arun 13T

Geography: excellent work during Glaciation session

Jasmine 13X

Extracurricular: delivering an amazing presentation at TARA conference

Really well done all, and we look forward to Friday's BIG end of term House celebration ... watch this space for updates!