remembrance day assembly

UGS Cadets and Senior Prefects lead our school community in honouring Remembrance Day

On Remembrance Sunday, we could not have been more proud to see many of our students participate in parades that took place in Trafford, Manchester, and Swinton; and in addition to a great number of our younger students, amongst them were Year 13 Head Prefect Haris (3rd Davyhulme Scouts) and Year 12 Air and Sea cadets Pearl and Evie. And this morning, along with lead prefect Emilia, and supported by Mrs Wall, they delivered a moving assembly to honour Remembrance Sunday, and to unite our school community in paying their respects.

Air cadet Evie spoke about her personal and family connections to service and to the World Wars and those who served, and her pride in the 1914 Star and Victory medals awarded to her great-grandfather.

Sea cadet Pearl discussed the importance of Armistice Day, and of the work carried out by the cadets to fundraise for those who serve.

Evie and Pearl also encouraged and invited our students to find out more about the Air and Sea cadets, and they spoke persuasively about how personally rewarding the experience is, and many of our students demonstrated an enthusiasm to find out more.

Haris and Emilia commemorated UGS alumni who served in the World Wars, before talented musician Year 10 Elia poignantly played the Last Post, and we joined in remembrance.

Mrs Wall paid tribute to all those who served and lost lives not only in the World Wars, but in active service, to those currently involved in world conflicts, and to the work of the emergency services.

Mrs Wall concluded by thanking Haris, Emilia, Evie and Pearl for presenting such an important assembly, and expressed her pride in their demonstration of our core UGS values, both today and through their involvement in the cadets.

Evie and Pearl had in fact approached Mrs Wall to volunteer to deliver the assembly; and as Mrs Wall observed, they superbly embody all that we encourage and foster in our students: to strive for and engage in leadership opportunities that are not only personally, academically, and professionally enriching, but that positively contribute to the community and to wider society.