splatteringly super!

Fantastic finale to a half term of forensic investigations for Year 7 Science Club

For the last session of this half term, Year 7 Science Club concluded their explorations of forensic science techniques with a gore-ishly great session on blood splatter analysis!

Of course, not a drop of actual blood was shed, just a red dye representation, so that our budding forensic scientists could learn all that there is to know about splatter analysis.

Led by Dr Richards, firstly in the lab, and equipped with pipettes and rules, our scientists participated in a hands-on investigation into different types of blood stain.

They learnt that splatter from different heights produces different patterns.

Including single drop, impact splatter, cast-off stain, transfer bloodstain, projected pattern, pool stain, insect stain and expiration stain.

As if this wasn't all exciting enough, the session concluded with a trip outside to investigate aerial splatter. Everyone was keen to get involved.

There were many volunteers to fire the pipette at the well-positioned target!

And our scientists were able to see a live demonstration of the pattern produced by aerial expiration.

Science Club leaders could not be more delighted with the participation of Year 7 so far this term in this fantastic extracurricular opportunity, and look forward to seeing them enjoy more hands on learning and practical science in action when we return after the break.

With huge thanks to Dr Richards, Mrs Walsh, Dr Bethell and Mr Sharp for organising and delivering Science Club.

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