celebrating this week's house achievers

Well done all!
As we begin another week at UGS, and as half of our new Year 7 cohort head off on their residential trip to the Lake District (with forms 7S and 7T to follow later this week), spirits determinedly undeterred by the rain, it is time for us now to joyfully celebrate our highest house-point awardees from the last 7 days.
As ever, our students have achieved a great deal to make us proud in their academic studies and their community and extracurricular participation and efforts.
Just some of our achievers are pictured above this morning after collecting their house award: Albert 11S, Vikash 10S, Edward 9S, Lucas 9M, Kara 7S, Leo 8T, Anya 9M, Liam 7S and Kiana 7S.
The full roll of honour is as follows:
Year 7
Ella H 7U
French: fabulous effort on speaking task & won 'beat the teacher' vocabulary game!
English: great work on completion of reading logs and on reading tasks for homework
Megan S 7U
RE: great effort
Food Prep & Nutrition: fantastic first practical
English: great work
Kara 7S
English: good work & great focus
German: extremely helpful in class
Extracurricular: participation in House Library Event
Kiana 7S
Maths: great work & effort
English: excellent focus & work
Liam 7S
German: excellent score in vocabulary test
English: great work on first Reading task
Year 8
Asfer 8R
Extracurricular: CREST Science Award Club
English: great effort
Rosie 8R
Maths: excellent work rate & brilliant focus
Community: brilliant School Council pitch & participation in House Mixer event
Izzy 8S
Maths: excellent work
English: great work on annotations
German: great effort
Leo 8T
German: full marks in grammar test
Maths: brilliant focus
Music: fantastic effort
Year 9
Adora 9R
Maths: excellent work and effort
Anya 9M
Maths: excellent work rate
Lucas 9M
RE: great effort
Maths: excellent work & effort
Edward 9S
RE: great effort
Maths: excellent work & effort
Year 10
Kanaan 10R
French, Business Studies & English: great effort
Millie 10R
Geography: amazing Biome map
Maths: excellent work & focus
Business Studies: outstanding work
Vikash 10S
Chemistry: excellent practical work
Business Studies: outstanding work & great effort
Year 11
Freya 11U
Business Studies: excellent work
Chemistry: great work
Daniel 11R
English: excellent contributions
French: great work
Maths: great effort
Albert 11S
PE: great recall
Maths: great work & effort
Chemistry: great work
Year 12
Diego 12T
German: great work & effort
Adam 12X
French: great work
German: great work & effort
Melanie 12X
German: great work & effort
Year 13
Adam 13M
Business Studies: excellent work & effort
Kaelyn 13U, Amarachi 13G, Sophia 13G, George 13M, Hannah 13S & Sohana 13T: excellent focus & hard work during directed independent study
We could not be more proud of all of our House achievers and look forward to celebrating again next week!