chess club is back & bigger than ever!

Fantastic to see so many members, new & old, turn out for the first meeting of the year!

Chess Club leader Mrs Chadwick was delighted at lunchtime today to play host to so many students at the first UGS Chess Club meeting of the new term, pictured above and below.

It was fantastic to see our new Year 7s arrive eager to participate in the hugely popular extracurricular opportunity, and to join students from other year groups, many of whom are seasoned members.

Chess Club prides itself on a warm and friendly welcome to students of all abilities at the chequered board, and from all year groups. And those who are not new to the game are always keen to lend their knowledge to any novices!

Like Year 8s Yasasvi and Christianna, pictured below, who are brand new to Chess Club, and excitedly arrived with friend Kirishika to learn all that there is to know.

Mrs Chadwick is also excited to announce that on Friday 4th October an extra special session of Chess Club will take place, when it looks forward to welcoming a guest from Urmston Chess Club, who will deliver an informative session on Strategy. Watch out for more news about this forthcoming event!

And this will come in very handy as Chess Club is looking forward to competing in many more tournaments and interhouse events over the coming year, and to building upon previous successes in the English School's Chess Championship.

Really well done all! 

If you would like any more information about Chess Club at UGS, please contact Mrs Chadwick: