celebrating our weekly house achievers

Proud to announce our first cohort of top house point achievers for 2024/5!

The new term and academic year has only just begun, but our students have already done a great deal to make us proud.

All of our students have impressed us with their renewed commitment to work and study, and to our school values and ethos, and we have been delighted to see our new cohort of Year 7 and Year 12 students settle with enthusiasm into UGS life and learning.

We are now excited to announce our very first top weekly house-point achievers of this year, the students who have been awarded the highest number of house-points within their respective year groups for their academic, extracurricular, and community achievements and efforts since the start of term.

Some are pictured above receiving their rewards from the House Team this morning;

Back row L-R: Austin 8M, Alfie 8U, Jessica 7R & Zoe 7U

Front: Kanaan 10R, Kobe 9U, Megan 7U, Phoebe 7R & Poppy 7U

The comprehensive list of students follows, with examples of some of the achievements for which they have been commended:

Megan S 7U

  • English – excellent contributions
  • Library: great work in Induction lesson

Poppy N 7U

  • Maths & RE – great effort

Zoe 7U

  • Maths – great effort
  • Food Preparation & Nutrition: great effort

Jessica O 7R

  • Music & French – great effort
  • RE – excellent work

Phoebe 7R

  • Food Preparation & Nutrition: excellent first lesson
  • Extracurricular: Book Club

Alfie B 8U

  • Maths – brilliant work
  • Music – excellent focus

Austin 8M

  • German – great effort & winner of the Alphabet challenge
  • Maths – excellent work

Corey 8S

  • English – excellent contributions & great work

Dan C 8U

  • Geography – excellent effort & presentation
  • English – contributing great ideas

Kobe 9U

  • French & RE – great effort
  • Geography – great work

Maggie 9T

  • RE & Geography – great work & effort

Will K 10U

  • Biology – outstanding food tests
  • Business Studies – superb contributions
  • English – great pride in work

Kanaan 10R

  • Biology – super contributions in lesson
  • Geography – excellent work
  • Business Studies – excellent work ethic

Ben G 10T

  • Maths & Geography – great work & effort
  • English – really insightful contributions

Jamie C 11S

  • Maths – excellent work & focus in class
  • Physics – great work

Thomas S 11S

  • German – great work
  • Extracurricular: superb daily focused independent study in the LRC after school

Emily K 12U

  • Geography – particularly impressive transition work & great first lesson

Ethan W

  • Geography – particularly impressive transition work & great first lesson

Jamie T 13S

  • Exceptional performance in end of year exams and highest score of 1 for Approach to Learning in all A level subjects
  • PSE – excellent participation

Jessie 13S

  • Exceptional performance in end of year exams and highest score of 1 for Approach to Learning in all A level subjects
  • Geography – excellent Summer Boost work

Really well done all!

We look forward to celebrating our house achievers each week moving forward: watch this space for updates!