year 10 work experience week

A great week for career development at UGS and lots of positive feedback about our Year 10 students!

While our Year 12 students last week benefitted from a week of work experience placements in a huge variety of sectors, this week it has been the turn of Year 10. 

The sectors and professions that they have secured opportunities to work in span: Engineering, Architecture, Childcare, Law, the Civil Service, Hospitality, and many, many more.

Representatives from UGS have been visiting our students on placement throughout the week, including Mr Kennedy-Fowler, who dropped in on Aaron and Holly at Chill Factore (lead picture). They have experienced a wealth of opportunities to learn about working operations at the ski and outdoor pursuits centre, including: assisting with ski lessons, helping guests in the snow park, working on the front desk, and fitting customers with the correct skis, boots and helmets.

Julie (pictured below) has been working at Waters in Wilmslow, where they develop and manufacture Mass Spectrometers. Here she can be seen in one of their compliance testing rooms, where they test the levels of electromagnetic radiation released from different devices:

And Isla has been working at Zoe Glencross, an interior designer in Alderley Edge, working with different samples of fabrics, and adding items for sale to their website:

Some of our Year 10 students have experienced working life in local government, including Josh and Angus, who have enjoyed time at Trafford Town Hall, acquiring skill-sets in network management, web development, provision of mobile devices, I.T. support, and building servers:

Here Head of Careers Mrs Kinder tells us more about the importance of work experience for our students, and its core contribution to Careers provision at UGS :

Work experience is an invaluable part of our Careers Programme, providing students with their first experience of working life. This enables them to develop the skills and confidence that they need as they progress into further study and the world of work.

We are hugely grateful to all the organisations who support our programme and give our students this opportunity.

With enormous thanks to all the employers who have facilitated a fantastic 2 weeks for our students from both Year 10 and Year 12, to our Careers department, and to all the staff who have been visiting our students on placement.

If you are able to offer a placement next year and would like to be part of our programme, please contact:

And we look forward to sharing more insights into Year 10's working week tomorrow!