success in cambridge chemistry challenge

Celebrating the Year 12 students who succeeded in this national event

Head of Chemistry Mr Parker is this week delighted to share news about the success of our Year 12 Chemists in the C3L6: Cambridge Chemistry Challenge.

Pictured above receiving their certificates are just 2 of our UGS entrants: Susan and Adam.

32 of our students entered this prestigious competition, facilitated by the University of Cambridge, that is open to A Level chemists from across the UK.

Around 13,000 students entered, and, in a phenomenal achievement, 3 of our students, including Susan, were awarded Gold, which places them in the top 1500 nationally.

The C3L6 takes students above and beyond the regular A-level specification, and is pitched at undergraduate level, aiming to "stretch and challenge students interested in Chemistry, providing an excellent experience for anyone considering taking their studies further".

This is the inaugural year for UGS participation, and we could not be more proud of the outcome.

Really well done all!