this week's house champions

Time to celebrate our last weekly achievers of the term ... with the end of year celebration pending!

It's that time to look back on the last week, and to celebrate all that our students have achieved, and to recognise the highest house-point awardees from the last 7 days.

Our students have as ever done a great deal to make us proud, and have been commended by staff for their academic achievements, commitment to learning, and extracurricular and community endeavours.

Just 3 of our achievers are pictured this morning on collection of their reward from the House team: Ananya 8R, Rosie 7R, and Abigail 7M.

The full list of students with some examples of their achievements follows:

Rosie 7R: for great work and effort throughout the year

Abigail 7M: for excellent work on the challenge task in Food Preparation & Nutrition, and for great work overall throughout Year 7

Evie 7T: for great work in Maths and for great effort overall throughout Year 7

Ananya 8R: for excellent work in French and for great community effort in running the Book Fair

Isadora 8M: for great work in Science and in Music

Archie 9M: for great work and effort in German and in Art

Husnain 9M: for amazing work in Art and for great work in Drama

Jago 10M: for great effort in German and for demonstrating great curiosity in Geography

Leo 10M: for great work on the Cambridge case study in Geography and for great work in German

Matthew B 10S: for great work in German and for great work on the Cambridge case study in Geography

Susan 12U: for achieving a top-ranking gold award in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (top 1500 out of 13,000 entries nationally)

Jamie 12S: for achieving a top-ranking gold award in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (top 1500 out of 13,000 entries nationally)

Max H 12X: for achieving a top-ranking gold award in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (top 1500 out of 13,000 entries nationally)

Really well done all, and we still have the grand final end of year House celebration to look forward to!