sports day

A very UGS day as for one year only our own grounds play host!
Today marked the 12th official Sports Day at UGS, but with a twist ...

In a one off experience, it took place on our very own track and field, as our usual venue, Longford Park Stadium, is undergoing essential maintenance work.

However, a change of venue did not alter the spirit of athleticism, participation, and competition demonstrated by our students.

Undeterred by wind and showers, spirits remained as high as ever, and our students from years 7-10 enjoyed the opportunity to take part in a multitude of exciting events, sporting the bright colours of the houses that they are proud to represent.

Year groups were on rotation from period 1 through to 4, taking part in a host of field and track events, including the 300m, 800m and 1500m races pictured above and below:

In addition to Javelin:

And shot-put, with some mighty shows of strength!

After the opportunity to recharge and regroup over the lunch break, all students and staff then headed out for period 5's grand finale, which saw all year groups compete together in their houses in track events, overseen by MC Mr Tabor and his particular set of skills with a megaphone:
For this final session, our students competed in 100m and 200m sprints:
And the hotly contested 4x100m relay:
Although, sadly, the need to safely despatch our students on time at the end of the school day meant that there was not the opportunity for the 4x100m staff relay, it was clear how much our students had enjoyed the whole day, and not least this whole school finale.
We ended on a real UGS high, with much to celebrate:
With huge thanks to Team PE for organising and coordinating this super day, and to all our amazing students for making us and their houses proud!