so many achievements to celebrate this week

So proud of our students!

It's been a fantastic week of attainment for our students, and we are delighted today to celebrate the students who have been awarded the highest number of house-points for their achievements over the last 7 days.

Our students have been commended for demonstrating excellent commitment to learning in their subjects, for achieving outstanding test score results, and for upholding our core community values and ethos of Pride, Participation, and Empathy.

And as you will see in a separate news report, many of our students also excelled in the national UK Biology Challenge 2024, and we could not be more proud.

Pictured above this morning are just some of our House Achievers for this week with House Leader Mrs Chadwick.

The comprehensive list of students with some examples of their attainments follows:

  • Asfer 7R for super work in Science and for great effort in his role as a TARA ambassador

  • Harry 7M for demonstrating excellent knowledge in German and for amazing work in Art

  • Kelvin 7S for an excellent extended response in German and for being a Library Reading Champion

  • Anna 8M for producing a fantastic volcano fact-file in Geography and for excellent work in Maths and in German

  • Samuel 8M for fantastic quadratting working in Maths and for excellent work in Science

  • Aaira 8S for a fantastic test result in Geography & for excellent work in Maths

  • Daisy 9U for a very good contribution in English and for achieving Bronze in the UK Biology Challenge 2024

  • Cherie 9M for achieving GOLD (top 5% nationally) in the UK Biology Challenge and for excellent work in Maths

  • Joe 9M for achieving Bronze in the UK Biology Challenge and for great effort in English & in German

  • Ethan 9S for full marks in the German vocabulary test & for achieving Bronze in the UK Biology Challenge

  • Saanvi 9S for a fantastic assessment result in Geography and for full marks in the German vocabulary test

  • Will 9M for excellent work & test result in English and for an excellent challenge test result in History

  • Laura 10U for a superb test result in Maths: 90% or over & for achieving Bronze in the UK Biology Challenge

  • Matilda 10R for achieving SILVER in UK Biology Challenge (top 15% nationally) and for an excellent test result in Maths

  • Leo 10M for achieving SILVER in UK Biology Challenge (top 15% nationally) and for an excellent test result in Maths: 90% or above

  • Mia 10M for achieving SILVER in UK Biology Challenge (top 15% nationally) and for an excellent test result in Maths: 90% or above, and for great work in Geography

  • Sara 10S for  for achieving SILVER in UK Biology Challenge (top 15% nationally) and for great work in Geography

  • George 12T for great graph work in Biology

  • Jasmine 12X for great work in Psychology and for writing a superb article for the school website on medical work experience

Really well done all, you are amazing, and we can't wait to celebrate next week's achievers!