talented ugs musicians perform in main parade at Disneyland paris

Lara, Will and Haris showcase their talent in the opportunity of a lifetime!
We have been continually proud to share news about 3 of our UGS musicians - Lara 9T, Will 8M and Haris 12U - who are members of 3rd Davyhulme Scout Band.
After successfully competing in a national audition process, the band were chosen to travel and perform in the Main Parade at Disneyland Paris; and the amazing Don't Stop Queen Now concert and PTA event that we were delighted to host in October supported fund-raising for this opportunity.
The much anticipated performance took place over the recent Bank Holiday weekend, and a grand total of 46 band members travelled to Paris, with Will playing euphonium and Lara and Haris drums; and we are now delighted to share photographs of their performance:

The band played in front of a crowd of in the region of 80,000 spectators.

They played music from Star Wars, Moana, Tarzan, and a whole host of Disney movies.
And Will even completed a solo in front of the iconic castle!
Really well done all, we could not be more proud, or more thrilled that our students and the band were able to contribute to and experience this fantastic opportunity.
With huge thanks to Will's mum for sharing these lovely photographs with us!