hire power: year 12 welcome motivational visiting speaker

Delighted to host Meg Evans from UA92 ahead of Monday's Post 18 & Mock Interview Day

Head of year 12 Mr Neale today arranged for Meg Evans (lead picture) from UA92 to deliver an inspirational presentation to our Year 12 students on "Hire Power": how to stand out in the interview process, and how to optimise preparations for interview.

This took place in our Theatre (Year 12 audience captured below), and Meg's invaluable talk covered all aspects of the interview process from start to finish.

This included the importance of pre-interview research in order to boost confidence and to cover all bases; a consideration of digital footprint and its ramifications; maximising first impressions through optimal presentation and body language; planning for both sides of the questioning process; and the STAR technique: situation, task, action and results.

With huge thanks to Meg for taking the time to inspire our year 12s with stellar tips both for their preparations for Monday, and for their academic and professional pathways moving forward; and to Mr Neale for organising today's visit.

And we look forward to sharing news about Monday's Post 18 and Mock Interview Day programme of events!