TARA moves forward at ugs

Our TARA committee meet again to plan their next steps 

Our TARA (Trafford Schools Anti-Racism Alliance) ambassadors met again this week and are delighted to showcase the posters that they have worked hard on designing and producing themselves, and that share and promote the TARA vision amongst our school community.

The fantastic lead image was designed by ambassador Nini 9M, and fellow committee member Siya 9R produced the informative poster below, profiling all that TARA encapsulates, and all that the committee plan to achieve in school and in the wider community:

TARA at UGS look forward to welcoming more members, and are keen to hear the student voice.

Charity and awareness-raising events are in the planning for next half-term, and our TARA ambassadors aim to incorporate weekly world cultural insights into their initiatives, as well as recognition and celebrations of the forthcoming Empathy Day and Refugee Week in June.

Really well done all and watch this space for updates on the work of our TARA ambassadors!