new term in bloom

Welcoming back students and staff for the Summer Term
While it might have been a little drizzly for our return to school, this gorgeous Cherry Blossom tree in our grounds was a welcome Spring vision this morning as students and staff returned form the Easter break ready for another busy term.
Extra-Curricular provision
Our extensive programme of extra-curricular opportunities continues, and the Performing Arts department are pleased to launch a new timetable of activities for this term, with the exciting addition of a brand new `Comedy Club`, that will give our students the chance to learn and develop skills in delivering stand-up comedy.
The Library is pleased to launch the House Spring into Reading Challenge, tasking students with exploring a whole host of new titles from both the shelves and from our E-Book platform
And Mr Connell is leading a new chapter in KS4 & 5 Book Club, starting on Wednesday, at which students from Years 10-13 will meet to discuss Nobel Prize Winner J.M. Coetzee's 1990 novel Age of Iron, set during the South African Emergency of 1985, a traumatic yet intellectually rigorous story told through the unanswered letters of a white Classics academic.
We are also looking forward to the results of the Art & Design department's competition to design an egg inspired by an Art Movement. Watch this space!