advice on next steps & strategies for success for ks4

KS4 start new term with invaluable support and guidance on pathways to success

As we start a new term, Year 10 and 11 have this week both benefitted from the launch of initiatives to propel them towards success in their academic and career pathways.

Year 11

Today, and led by Mr Kennedy-Fowler, Year 11 participated in the first Success Assembly of the term, that focused on effective revision strategies in all subjects, particularly the effective deployment of flashcards; key support and advice as they embark on the next critical months in preparation for their GCSE exams.

Parents and carers will also receive a recording of the advice given to students this morning.

Year 11 are also currently participating in post-16 Options one-to-one interviews with the Leadership Team, a great opportunity to evaluate progress and to seek and gain support, guidance and advice on next steps.

Year 10

Our Careers team are as ever working hard to support our students; for Year 10, this signifies the launch this term of strategies to assist them in their plans for post-16 options.

As communicated in letters home, on Friday students will begin their Careers lessons as part of PSE, and there will be a continuation of last term's lunchtime employer talks and events from professionals who work in a wide variety of sectors; this is a great opportunity for students to hear first-hand about fields that they are interested in pursuing careers in, or to be inspired to follow up on these routes.

The first is Environmental Consultancy on Tuesday 16th January, and there will be an assembly on Friday 26th January with a presentation from an employer. Also, forthcoming is a visit from Trafford College Group during National Apprenticeship Week, and weekly lunchtime Careers Drop-In sessions.

As Miss Marshall (Careers Adviser & Careers Co-ordinator shares):

"All students in Years 7-13 continue to have access to GMACS and Xello and are encouraged to record their career experiences on Xello. GMACS presents all post-16 study, apprenticeship and training options in one place, and can be accessed here:

Urmston Grammar School is committed to ensuring that all students are informed about their future pathways and career options.

Further information can be found within the Careers section on the school website.

We also hope that you are finding the weekly Careers Newsletters informative and useful, and that they help you support your child. Please do contact me at any point if you would like to discuss your child's future plans".

PSE for Year 13 this half-term is also focused on careers: this week it will address building personal branding and cultivating awareness of their online presence, while the themes of future sessions are: What's an Entrepeneur, Transition - Leaving Education, and Moving Out: becoming independent.