Year 7 house event

Celebrating Roald Dahl Day with House Library Quiz!
Pictured above and below are just some of the Year 7s who enjoyed taking part in the first Library House event of the term: the Roald Dahl Day Quiz.
The quiz covered all the titles of the much-loved author, and it was a chance for Year 7 to get together to compete in teams or individually to earn points for their respective houses while having some fun.
There were some super high scores, and it was a very close run thing, but we are thrilled to announce that our overall winners (pictured below with their prize certificates) are:
1st) Arees & Hari 7T
2nd) Tina, Kathryn, Kirishika & Lottie 7U
3rd) Kingsley & Kiara 7U
Runners Up: Sebastian, Eshan & Archie 7T
Well done all, thank you Year 7 for your fantastic participation, and we look forward to seeing you at our future House Events!