exploring science at home & away

Launch of Year 7 Science Club in school while Year 13 Biologists investigate on the East Coast
Today saw the exciting launch of Year 7 Science Club, just one of the many new extra-curricular opportunities that we are thrilled to be able to offer the students this term.
Led by Mrs Walsh, many of our new year 7 students were eager to participate in Science Club during lunch-break. They enjoyed developing and testing their budding engineering skills, and working as a team, while channelling the spirit of pioneering bridge engineers Thomas Telford and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, by constructing bridges between the benches that would enable small toy vehicles to cross.
Not only a great introduction to STEM and participation at UGS, but masses of fun too.
Year 13
Outside of school, on Sunday Year 13 Biologists set off on their required residential trip to the magnificent East Coast, where they have been conducting investigations to support their A Level Biology curriculum.
They are pictured below on Filey Brigg, valued for its geological importance and abundance of nature, and its imposing Jurassic rock coastline. As we can see in the picture, the bracing North Sea breeze never fails to deliver!
And despite the subsequent arrival of rain, the scientists happily ploughed on regardless!
With huge thanks to all the staff who supported our students on this trip.