bowled over by year 7 cricketers

Year 7s Nadal & George selected for both UCC and Manchester District!
New year 7s George and Nadal have already made us proud and impressed us with their achievements in Cricket. Both play for Urmston Cricket Club U11 and U12 teams, and in amazing news over the summer both were also selected to play for Manchester District U11 team!
George and Nadal both started out on their cricket journey when they were 6, joining the UCC All Stars Development Programme.
On progressing through the U9 team, which Nadal captained, they were then selected for the U11 and U12 teams, and then, as detailed above, also achieved selection for Manchester District, with Nadal appointed Captain, while also playing as bowler and batsman, and George playing as wicket-keeper and batsman.
In an impressive achievement George has scored 200 runs this year, while Nadal has scored 238, with a superb Half Century for the Manchester District.
Although the season is now over until April, Nadal and George will continue to hone their skills throughout the winter with 1:1 coaching.
Cricket is understandably their favourite sport about which they are rightly passionate, and both are looking forward to playing it during PE in school.
Well done both, and we look forward to hearing about their progress when the season resumes!