performing arts week: showcasing ugs talent & welcoming year 6

"Including all of us in creativity": Divina and Will's (Y7) and Evangeline and Evie's (Y9) account of Performing Arts week
There have been not one but three events and shows this week that show-cased the amazing talent amongst our students. Working with staff from our Music and Drama departments, there were Junior and Senior Performing Arts Evenings comprising dance, acting, music and song, and theatrical technical skills, and the students were fortunate to get to work with professional actor Darragh Cowley on the Play in a Day production for the second of the week's shows.
Here Year 7s Divina (lead picture) and Will, and Year 9s Evangeline and Evie, tell us about their experience participating in the performances:
Divina 7R
I was in the Junior performing arts evening on Tuesday and The Play in a Day performance on Wednesday. My role for the junior performing arts evening was in the choir, and we sang 'You will be Found' and 'How will I Know'. In the Play in a day performance, I was a grandma in one scene, and I was also part of the England Euros in 2020, where I acted in a goal-scoring scene and in comforting the Reds after they lost to Manchester City, And I was part of the Bees Still Buzz scene, and I took part in the poem on the Manchester Arena bombing.
I have enjoyed working with actor Darragh in the Play in a Day, because it was a time when we were part of making the scene come to life, and it included all of us and our creativity to put this play together. Also, he made me feel more confident and better at acting in front of an audience.
I also enjoyed creating this scene with other people from our school, and I would like to thank Darragh, Mrs Glen, Mr Harrison and Miss Hammond for helping the Drama students, including me, to participate in this production.
I really liked how the message the performance gave us was clear and important, but we still showed people that although the Manchester bombing was horrible, we shouldn't hold grudges, and we should just try not to dwell on it because that will make us happier.
We shouldn't look back in anger and that was the message and the Oasis song that we sang at the end.
I really enjoyed both days especially the Play in a Day and I hope that we will do something like this in the future!
Will 7M
I played a piano solo for the Junior performance and I decided to play 'The Entertainer' by Scott Joplin because I enjoy the musicality of the piece. I struggled at first with the change of tempo but once I mastered the right hand I really loved it. I played this piece as part of my Grade 3 piano exam.
I also played my euphonium in the Orchestra. Being part of a group brings a different experience to playing solo. The orchestra means a louder sound!
I think the most enjoyment comes from just making music!
Evangeline 9M
I was involved in Performing Arts Week on all 3 nights as a part of Junior and Senior choir and I loved performing as a group and showing the work that I have been doing during Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes.
I also performed a solo song on the Tuesday night, I sang I Dreamed a Dream and I absolutely loved show-casing my voice as I have never done so before. I felt amazing afterwards, and I had an amazing time with my friends!!
Evie 9T
I was part of Junior choir and I loved the group of new friends that I made, especially being able to speak to year 8 and 7 as it was my first chance to do this! The performance that we did on Wednesday was so much fun and I loved singing with my friends!
During the performance the audience were also invited and inspired to contribute messages to the Tree of Hope.
Last but not least, on Thursday it was the turn of the Seniors, whose performance was a fitting finale to the week.
For more pictures and detailed updates on all the performances that have taken place this week, previously, and moving forward, follow our Performing Arts department on Instagram:
Performing Arts at Urmston Grammar School (@performingartsugs) | Instagram
Year 6 Visiting Day
Finally, in other news, in another busy week on Thursday it was our Year 6 Visiting Day, where we were thrilled to welcome the students who will form our new Year 7 cohort in September. They enjoyed meeting staff, each other, and our current students, as well as a full itinerary of sample lessons and life in the UGS Community. And we can't wait to see them all again at the beginning of September!