Please look at all the useful information about Careers on the school website, including the Aims & Objectives, Careers Curriculum (which has a link to the Careers Programme), CDI Careers Framework, Gatsby Benchmarks, Responsibilities, Useful Careers Resources & Websites and Work Related Learning sections.
The Useful Careers Resources & Websites section may be of particular interest in helping you to link careers to your subject area, as Careers is a whole school responsibility. There are links to the Careers software packages that school purchases each year. To access many short videos linking your subject to different careers you may also find the listed icould website useful, as this allows you to search by subject area and view the available career options: https://icould.com/
Careers resources can be accessed on the Y drive (for Staff) in the Careers folder. There are also Careers resources on the R drive (for Students) in the Careers folder, which you can highlight to your students. PSHE lessons with a Careers focus can also be accessed on the Y drive in the PSE, New PSHE folder and in the 6th Form, PSE Schedules folder. The resources for delivering Careers lessons will be provided to you in advance by the Careers Adviser & Careers Co-ordinator, the Head of Careers, the PSHE Co-ordinator, the Head of Year and the Sixth Form Team.
Please contact Natasha Kinder (Head of Careers) and Amy Marshall (Careers Adviser & Careers Co-ordinator) should you need additional information or support. We also welcome regular feedback.