charity bake sale

Our kind-hearted Sixth Formers fundraise for Wings of Hope

A cohort of our Year 12s have this week organised the Great Urmston Charity Bake Off, inviting students to make, bake and bring in cakes and sweet treats to compete in our very own Bake Off, that was all in a good cause.

The delectable submissions were then sold today at an event in our Main Hall (and just two of our hard-working Year 12 volunteers are pictured above) to raise funds for the Wings of Hope charity, whose vital work provides education for children in Asia and Africa.

It was fantastic to see so many of our students not only show their support by baking and making, but by turning out at lunch today to buy the treats to contribute to such a worthy cause.

And huge congratulations to Lucia 7S who was crowned the Bake Off winner and received the fantastic hamper pictured below.

Really well done all, and another fabulous demonstration of our students working together to demonstrate our core UGS values of Pride, Participation and Empathy.