online safety bulletin
This week's focus: Tik Tok
Please see below for the latest online safety bulletin and a message from Assistant Head Mr Roberts:
Amongst children – and especially teenagers – TikTok boasts approximately 220 million users, providing a near-endless reel of short clips intended to entertain, educate and more. However, along with its enormous userbase, comes a significant number of possible risks: Ofcom have dubbed it the most likely app on which teen users would potentially suffer harm.
With the platform reaching astronomical levels of success amongst the younger generation, it’s vitally important for parents and educators to understand the risks it poses. This free guide lets you know about the most prominent potential dangers associated with TikTok and offers expert advice on how to safeguard youngsters who are navigating the site.
If this guide raises any questions, queries or concerns, please make contact with your son/daughter's form tutor in the first instance.
Thank you
Kind regards
Mr Roberts