V&A innovate competition

Our year 9 DT students compete in-house to enter the national final!

On Friday, Year 9 Design & Technology students were involved in a day's workshop to compete in-house on designing, finalising, and presenting submissions to the national V&A Innovate competition.

V&A Innovate is an annual National Schools Challenge, asking students in years 7, 8 and 9 to work in teams of 4 – 6 to design a solution to a real-world problem. 

Students are tasked with working in teams to follow a human-centred design process and to respond to one of the three themes inspired by V&A collections:

Transform: How might we transform our world for the better? How might we transform objects around us to make them suit our needs without further impacting the environment?

Belong: How might we use design to bring people together, make people feel included and give them a sense of belonging? How can design be used to express a set of shared values, identities and symbols?

Celebrate: Could we use design to make how we celebrate more sustainable? Or how might you design a celebration for a person or group of people?1

UGS has a proud long-standing record of participation in this competiton, and Head of Department Mr Barber and Art & Design teacher Mr Reid were delighted to coordinate this year's cohort, offering direction, guidance and support.

They were truly impressed with the enthusiasm and engagement of Year 9 with the project and with the standard of the entries produced and presented by our students,

Our students will now submit their ideas on two A3 design sheets, and finalist teams will be invited to pitch their ideas to expert judges at the annual Pitching and Awards Day at the museum in the new year.

Really well done all, best of luck in the competition, and we can't wait to share updates on their progress!

With huge thanks to our Design department for organising this fantastic opportunity for our students!

1V&A Innovate · V&A