science club ignite a new half term

Bonfire Night inspired workshop launches a new season of Science Club!

How do you follow up Science Club's first half term of forensically-themed, action-packed, fun practical hands on learning? Well, with the nation set to usher in 5th November tomorrow, it could only be with a pyrotechnically inspired launch of course!

Our Year 7 scientists were treated to a very special workshop this lunchtime on the science of Fire Writing, headed up by Head of Chemistry Mr Parker, assisted by Science Club leaders Mrs Walsh and Dr Bethell, Science technicians Mrs Bentham and Mrs Yarwood, and our Year 8 Science ambassadors.

Science Club were tasked with using a small paintbrush to write a message on absorbent paper. This was then dried with a hairdryer, which made the message virtually invisible.

The filter paper was then suspended using a stand, and Mr Parker proceeded to demonstrate how the application of a glowing splint caused the paper to start to glow and char.

And lo and behold, on removal of the splint, our scientists could witness their message glowingly reappear!

A really combustive start to Science Club, and they look forward to making their very own sparklers next week!

Watch this space for updates, with huge thanks to Team Science for organising this fantastic extracurricular lunchtime opportunity for our keen scientists!