ugs feminist society

Feminist Society excited to welcome new members and to plan for the year ahead!

Last year, we were delighted to share news about the launch of our brand new Feminist Society. a fantastic student leadership and extracurricular opportunity, driven by our students and supported by Mrs Bourne.

Fem Soc organised hugely successful fund-raising events for Women's Aid, including a charity Film Night.

This year they aim to build upon their great work, and started the term with an inaugural meeting on Friday; they will meet every Friday, and greatly look forward to welcoming new members from all year groups 7-13.

They are pictured above at their first meeting of this year, already putting together plans for:

  • Fund-raising sports matches and charity events, including more film nights, to support women's charities like Every Month 
  • Fem Soc Newsletter
  • Profiles of women in literature and STEM to circulate amongst students and staff
  • Debates on all the issues facing women currently and historically
  • Presentation for scholarships

Feminist Society Resources

Additionally, Fem Soc members Niamh and Ananya, pictured below, who, during the summer term, designed and put together a fantastic noticeboard in our LRC, have been proud this week to set up a dedicated display of resources in the Library. This comprises titles by and about women that celebrate, profile, and address inspirational women, and women's issues, from and in all fields, including history, culture, politics, and sport.

Many of the titles were recommended by our students and staff during an initiative for International Women's Day earlier this year, and Feminist Society aim to develop the range of resources available to our students still further.

Really well done all, and we look forward to sharing updates and news on all that Feminist Society achieve!

Feminist Society meets every Friday lunchtime in the Conference Room: students from all year groups are welcome. Please come along!