swimming success for year 7 ella

So proud of Ella 7U!

We are delighted to share news about Year 7 Ella, pictured above, who, in a fantastic achievement, recently received an impressive accolade at the Flixton Swim Team Annual Awards Evening.

Ella was awarded ‘Swimmer of the Squad’ for all the effort that she has put in during training, for improving her swimming, and for winning a host of medals at galas throughout the year.

Huge congratulations!

Ella has been swimming since before the age of 2, starting with lessons at Urmston Leisure Centre, before progressing to their Swim Team. At 9, Ella joined the Flixton Swim Team, and soon began to represent them competitively in galas.

Training a committed 4 times a week, including at Manchester Triathlon Club, Ella is dedicated to the sport, and looks forward to progressing still further with Flixton Swim Team, and to competing in a great many more galas moving forward.

We wish Ella the very best of luck, and cannot wait to share updates on all that she achieves.

Really well done! With huge thanks to Ella and family for sharing this great news and photograph.