year 7 explore extracurricular options

Delighted to welcome our new students to extracurricular opportunities at UGS

We have been immensely proud of our new cohort of Year 7 students as they begin their UGS journey, and it is wonderful that so many have already taken the opportunity to engage in the extracurricular options available to them, despite having been here for only one week!

Pictured above are the first of our Year 7s to arrive to take part in the Library's weekly Y7 Books and Biscuits Reading Club, which enjoyed its 2024/5 relaunch yesterday.

We will soon be announcing our brand new and comprehensive extracurricular timetable for this year for all students, but we are already delighted to confirm the following opportunities in Sport:

To name just a few others, Feminist Society is looking forward to welcoming new and existing members at its relaunch during lunch this Friday, and Mrs Walsh is excitedly finalising the programme for Monday's Y7 Science Club as we speak.

Watch this space for news and updates on our students as they participate in all of our wonderful extracurricular opportunities!