celebrating our perspectives team

As the latest edition of our school magazine is published, we look back on all that has been achieved this year!

Our school magazine Perspectives has gone from strength to strength throughout 2024, and staff lead Miss Hammond could not be more proud of all that the student writers, contributors, and editors (current team pictured above) have achieved:

It has been a pleasure working with the Perspectives team this year. They are determined, bright, and innovative, and have faced challenges with a positive attitude.

In this year alone, they have produced an outstanding printed magazine, 6 fantastic online issues, and countless articles from desert island discs to flatpack politics to flash fiction.

They should be incredibly proud of everything they have achieved and enjoy a well-earned break over the summer. I look forward to restarting in September with some new recruits! 

Their latest edition has just been published, and features insightful articles on the dawn of the new government, second-wave feminism, capitalism, Doctor Who, profiles of teaching staff, and not forgetting Desert Island Discs!

Please read and enjoy:


And we cannot wait to see and share what the next academic year brings for our fantastic team of student journalists!