feminist society: second fund-raising event

Charity sale for Women's Aid following last week's successful film night

Our fantastic Feminist Society have again been working hard today, with a charity sale over the lunchbreak for Women's Aid.

After their successful fund-raising screening of Legally Blonde and raffle last week, today they organised a further sale of sweets and drinks to support the cause, and some of the team are pictured above welcoming customers to the Conference Room, and below, having already sold nearly 100 cones of sweets!

Really well done, and to all the students and staff who turned up today and last week to show their support, and to give generously to this fantastic cause and the vital work of Women's Aid.

Supported by Mrs Bourne, who could not be more proud of their efforts and passion for the cause, Feminist Society meets every Friday in our Conference Room, and we are looking forward to sharing updates on all that they achieve, and all the great work that they do moving forward.