proud to introduce our well-being ambassadors

A great student leadership opportunity that will enrich our whole school community

Pictured above are just some of our students from across the year groups who have been keen to volunteer for a new student leadership and enrichment opportunity to train as well-being ambassadors, and to engage in a programme to support our whole school community.

Proud to receive and wear their badges yesterday, the students are looking forward to working with Dr Zebedee (also pictured centre), who coordinates the well-being programme in school, on a raft of initiatives and events that will promote and enrich well-being and mental health, and support students and the wider community.

After volunteering to work on the team, the students engaged in training with Bright Futures, and Dr Zebedee here tells us more:

The Wellbeing Ambassadors are a team of students from years 7 through to 12 who have been trained in the importance of wellbeing and mental health awareness.

Their role will involve supporting other students with their wellbeing, promoting mental health awareness, and devising, planning, coordinating, and helping with wellbeing and mental health events.

We hope to work with other schools to promote wellbeing for all students, and our goal is to ensure that our students prioritise their wellbeing and are able to talk about mental health; and to compound their access to help and support, easily and without prejudice.

The ambassadors very much look forward to moving forward with their plans, and we cannot wait to share updates on their progress.

Another great example of our students upholding our core UGS values of Pride, Participation and Empathy. Well done all!