interhouse chess tournament

Everything to play for in our hushed Conference Room!

The competition was as friendly as the concentration was intense in our Conference Room after school yesterday, in the latest of our Interhouse Chess Tournaments:

It was a hard-fought battle, but Chess Club and Bradfield House Leader Mrs Chadwick is now delighted to announce the results:

Congratulations to joint winners Orme and Mersey, who were the joint winners!

In second place was Bradfield, with Park and Oak in joint third, and house points will be awarded accordingly.  

Particular congratulations to Srikrish of Orme house, who was unbeaten in the tournament, and receives bonus points!

Really well done to all of our teams:

Orme - Ibukun and Srikrish

Mersey - Arun S and Andy S

Bradfield - Dan C and Rahul S

Oak - Adam S and Joe C

Park - Riley H and Oliver W

Congratulations all, with huge thanks to our competitors, and to Mrs Chadwick for organising another great event for our students!

For more information on UGS Chess Club contact: